Ever try to look pretty while wearing shorts and a tanktop in 35 degree weather? It's tough! During this shoot with Jon, of Jon Allen Photo, my eyes were tearing up from the 20 mph wind and I had goosebumps all over my skin. I sucked it up because I knew that the results would be awesome and totally worth it.
Jon had contacted me to shoot some 80's-inspired excersice photos. Funny, right? I wore my best spandex and bodysuit just for the occassion. Those pictures turned out really well, too, but are embarrassing! Maybe one day I'll post them on here.
I took some of my favorite clothes, one of my vintage suitcases, and my favorite pair of shoes knowing that Jon would be stoked to shoot some pinup-inspired images. Here they are! I hope that you like them. I think they turned out fantastic! Chattering teeth and all.