1.) Vintage sewing patterns. I just picked up about 25 different dress, apron, blouse, and knickers patterns at a Palmyra thrift store while I was in Pennsylvania. They were in the FREE bin next to the back door! There were at least 200 of them. I would have taken them all, except I didn't want to be greedy at the church ministry thift shop. Thought I'd let someone else stumble upon the rest of that wonderful collection.
2.) I think this wedding session with photographer,
Jessica Claire, is absolutly perfect. Vintage wedding dress, oversized birdcage veil, suspenders, great lighting and a beautiful setting. The details are fantastic. I'm bit by the marriage bug (have been since I was about 7 years old). Now, if only I could find a man that's engaging enough to marry.
3.) Big, fluffy, girlie bedding that you could get lost in.
4.) These sketches and prints from
Alyssa Duhe crack me up.
5.) Vintage advertisements for fun and yummy things like clothing and drinks.

6.) I love it when articles that I have written are really good reads! This article, "
Best of Ocean City 2011", got more than 300 reads in less than 24 hours (over 800 in a week!). Interesting stuff and good for our website!
7.) Vintage
cupcake-shaped wedding dresses from the 1950's. They're so lovely. My Nana Penelope just sent me some old pictures of her in her wedding dress. She said I could have her dress if I ever wanted it... Nana is only 5' tall. I'm 5'8" without heels. I'd have to take about a foot off of it to make it tea length if I ever wanted to wear it. I'd hate to do that to her lovely dress!
8.) Holy cute oven mits! I've found myself looking for cute dishclothes and kitchen wares lately. When you bake alot, your dishtowels start looking a litle worn. These oven mitts from
Magma Books are funky and adorable.
9.) Vintage Saab ads. These
advertisements are from the early 1970's. I'm a Saab 'gal... Driving my 3rd Saab and have only had my drivers license for 8 years. If I'm lucky, I'll have another Swedish beauty in my driveway soon! I particularly like this first ad the most for reasons unbeknownst...
10.) These dramatic rings by
Rachel Pfeffer are crazy cool. Nothing like a bold statement piece on your little fingers. I think they're awesome. Not so sure I could withstand having a jumbo ring on my hand, but it would be a nice converstation piece for a while, I'm sure. Check out Rachel's
Etsy store, she's based out of Washington D.C.
Ami!! Your blog is amazing, and I'm so excited to send you some pay it forward crafts!! Thanks so much for signing up, but that you a bajillion times over for putting my button on your blog love page. That made my night!
Can't wait to get my goodies and pass some on! You're blog is one of my favorites, as you can probably tell by some of the pretty banners on my blog! Can't wait to see what arrives in the mail!