Do I have a newsflash or what? Since the last post regarding the opening of my new store,
Little Lovely Bones, some really, really good things have happened...
1. I celebrated my 25th birthday. A quarter-century old. My parents were visiting, we celebrated at Octoberfest in our tiny little town with pumpkin-flavored brew and my friends, and I had a stellar cake. Am I so obsessed with skulls that my mother knew to get me a skull cake? Too funny. Cheers to my 25th year... I'll embrace it.
2. The house renovations are over! For now, at least. My parents, Nana and I ripped out the 14-year-old burber carpet, installed nice wood-like laminate flooring (dog proof & waterproof!), granite counter tops installed, tile backspace, new electrical outlets, and a fresh coat of paint. I'm so thankful not to be living in a construction zone anymore. My house has never felt warmer. Next on the to-do list? The upstairs hallway and bedroom carpets. I'd love to have hardwood in my bedroom with a super plush rug.
(My mother was even rocking one of my hairclips while caulking!) |
The best for last...
3. I started a new job!
Finally! The day before my birthday I had an interview at the best web-development and marketing firms in our area,
I got the job and all of the perks a 25-year-old knows that she needs to survive. I've been in my new little office for just over a week and I am enjoying what I'm doing. It's exactly the kind of position I've spent months searching for! I'm a Content Strategist. Basically, I write the content that is placed on our client's websites. I'm also the newest contributing writer to an online magazine called
Shorebread. So thankful and grateful to finally have a full-time career again.
So, yeah... LOTS going on. I had to take a breather from the blog for just a few days to try and figure out my new schedule. I'm working regular office hours and am on a computer practically the entire time. To come home and sit in front of a computer for even longer was less than appealing... but, for the love of blogging, I need to do it. My little online picture journal is a way for me to document my life. It is my blog, after all. I think I have my schedule figured out after only about 10 days. Waking up before the sun and coming home as the sun sets isn't really my thing but you've 'gotta do what you've 'gotta do.
I hope that things are coming together for you, too. It feels energizing to know that my hard work is starting to pay off. Hopefully things only get better from here. :)