I can't believe that I have turned my back to my blog for so long. 3 weeks. It makes my heart hurt.
I've been struggling with blogging lately. Since I started my
new job last month at a website design and marketing firm, it seems the last thing I want to do is come home to sit at my computer, especially after sitting at a computer for 8 hours earlier. It's something that I've been working on. I love my little blog. It's a way for me to document my daily activities, muses and inspirations... a way to keep track of everything that I do.
My new job is awesome. I really like it there. I work with so many creative people that all have the best interest in shared ideas. I've been writing for an online magazine,
Shorebread, and creating content for websites. It's a way for me to come up with neat story angles and help others improve their online business ventures. I also get to travel to really cool places to interview people, take pictures of their parties, and write about local social events.
(I attended and photographed the St. Martins Fall Festival on Friday; A celebration of this historic church built in 1756.) |
(Hung at the East Coast Dog Show. Saw the Weimaraners compete in the ring. Took lots of pictures for the magazine.) |
(Went to the Salisbury Zoo to take some photos for an article about the passing of Poopsie, a beloved spotted bear that our community loved. The oldest bear of its kind in the entire country, actually.) |
(Some of my best guy pals took me out on Saturday night for a single brew. It was much needed and put a smile on my face.) |
I've been having some fun, too. Since moving to Hawaii and heading back to Maryland's Eastern Shore, I realized that I really have some great friends that mean the world to me. This weekend has been tough. I've been ditched by a man whom I've adored for years, an ex told me that I deserve to have my heart trampled, a few friend skipped out on our plans last minute, and ex-coworkers seemed to feel the need to write me mean emails.
That kind of stuff happens, I guess. None the less - these kind of situations make you realize how amazing your real friends are. The friends that randomly text you to make sure you're okay. The ones who write you super nice facebook messages to let you know that everything will be fine. And the ones who call and listen to you cry on the phone for an hour at 10 am on a Saturday. Thanks, my friends. I really appreciate you and everything you do.
(I visited the seashore for a few minutes on Friday, Saturday & Sunday.) |
I'm determined to kick whatever kind of negative energy that's been taking over my life. Kicking it to the curb. Tomorrow will be a beautiful Monday morning and I'm going to use it as a fresh start. I'm going to harness all of these creative, loving, and new ideas that have been rushing through my head and use them for something brilliant. & blog, too! I need to remember to let my thoughts out on this little blog.
There have been lots of crazy cool good things going on lately, too. With the new job came new opportunities, new connections, and new options. One being... a house! I've been talking to mortgage brokers, looking around my favorite neighborhoods, and day dreaming about buying a house. I went to check out this beauty today:
A 1940-built craftsman styled bungalow only 8 miles from the local seashore. Cedar shingles, crystal door knobs, claw foot bathtubs and every vintage touch I could ask for. She's definitely a fixer-upper and will be a huge investment, but she'd be perfect for little 'ole me.
The first thing that drew me to this house? The huge, bright yellow ginkgo tree that hovers over the property. My favorite tree. The only tree left from prehistoric dinosaur times. Cross your fingers for me, please! I'll keep you posted on the house hunt. My parents are coming to visit me on Thursday to take a look at this bungalow and help me figure out my finances. Yikes. Sounds like such grown-up talk!
I'm back in the blog world, putting a band aid on my broken heart, kicking out negative karma, and enjoying all that life has to offer. I'll make the best of it. Have a nice, refreshing Monday!
So glad to read all the positives in your life, continue on that path. I am sorry about the sadness…try photography therapy, that works for me!